A blue wave is splashing on a white background.
A white logo on a white background with a few dots on it.
A white background with a few lines on it

Children's Corner


We offer a variety of play/ sensory sessions for younger children. Sessions are open to everyone and run by our friendly staff.

Parents are invited to stay to enjoy the fun! Please call us as booking is essential. 

Children's Corner

Sometimes, grown-ups who are married or together decide not to be together anymore. They might choose to live apart or get a divorce. This can happen for lots of reasons. Remember, it’s not your fault and you didn’t do anything wrong.

Follow the link to see information on the NACCC website for children and young people.

A hedgehog with flowers on its back is laying down on a yellow background.

If you have lots of questions

When parents decide to live apart, they have many things to figure out, such as where you will stay and how often you'll see the parent you're not living with.

Sometimes, parents might not agree on these things, and they might think it's best for you to meet the parent or family member you don't live with at a special place called a child contact centre.

NACCC is here to help, and they have created some stories to show you what happens at these contact centres.

You can also look at the FAQ page if you have any questions or need more information.

A wooden sign that says i have lots of questions
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